The Adventures of Puss in Boots Wiki
Schermopname (822)

Ephram's Mother was an adult dragon who played a minor role in the series. She was first introduced when rescuing her kidnapped son from San Lorenzo. She is voiced by Laraine Newman.


She is a large dragon with dull green scales, a long snout with a horn at the end and six, twisted horns on her head. Her eyes are black with a yellow sclera. The veins of her bat-like wings are black with magenta webbing.


Ephram's mother is a grumpy, ill-tempered woman who doesn't mind burning people to a cinder (though this was probably out of worry over losing her baby). She may have a bit of a snarky attitude, but cares deeply for her baby.


  • Flight: Her wings aren't just for show.
  • Fire breath: She can burn people into cinders with a blast of her fiery breath.


She will protect her baby at all costs, so she will do anything to get him back even from a good person.

